Barry County History Portal - Hosted by Hastings Public Library

The Search for Answers


Jim Dibble's account of his uncle James Dibble's life and the search for answers into the details of his death.


Certificate describing James Dibble's character and receipt of the Distinguished Flying Cross.


Distinguished Flying Cross Certificate Awarded to James Dibble.


Transcription of an interview with Giuseppe Pisano who witnessed James Dibble's crash.


Case History report of the investigation into James Dibble's crash, discovery and subsequent reburial.

Be sure to browse through the entire exhibit as well which highlights the entire collection and includes dozens of letters, mission reports from 1943, personal accounts of air battles, the Dibble family's search for answers and so much more.

All content in this exhibit was donated to the Hastings Public Library by Jim Dibble, nephew of fighter pilot James P. Dibble. We are proud to display it for others to learn of James' sacrifice, the one so many men and women made in World War II.